Current REN XUE Africa Teachers
REN XUE Africa teachers are qualified through REN XUE International’s Teacher Training Programs.
They are committed to upholding the integrity of the theory and methods as taught by Yuan Tze.
We offer classes in the various methods, depending on our level of qualification.
Classes are offered in-person and online.
Please have a look at our teacher bios to find out a little more about us as well as where and when we teach classes.
We look forward to welcoming you into a class or workshop soon.
Feel free to contact any one of us if you;d like to know more or have questions you’d like answered.
Louise Pannell
Teacher & RX Africa Director
Classes: In-person & Online
Region: Gauteng/Countrwide
Gary Simons
Teacher & RX Africa Director
Classes: In-person
Region: Cape Town/Countrwide
Kathy Florence
Classes: In-person & Online
Region: Cape Town
Sandra Bodard
Classes: In-person
Region: Cape Town
Zayn du Plessis
Teacher & RX Africa Director
Classes: Online
Region: South Africa & Germany
The Kaixin Verse
Heaven, Earth, Human are all teachers with infinite wisdom
I open my Xinmen to trust and love them unconditionally
With gratitude in my heart, I receive the bright light of their love and wisdom and unify with it
My Shen, Yi and Xin are fully aligned with the light of Dao
With Gongjing, realization and wisdom are arising
I am one with the light of the wisdom of the universe