Louise Pannell Qigong Teacher Johannesburg

Zayn du Plessis

My life experiences have invited me to explore the mind/body connection, and how thoughts and emotions  have an  impact on the wellbeing of  the physical body and on life. I am deeply interested in how childhood experiences  impact  life on many levels. My interests have led me to search , study  and apply many different  practices  , to deal with my own childhood traumas , and to deal with serious physical injuries to my body.

I was introduced to Qigong at the age of 18. In 2012  I met and studied with a  Qigong teacher from China that deeply and profoundly changed my experience of self worth and  acceptance through the practice of Qigong . This ignited my desire to learn more .

In 2013 I started my learning with a very special Qigong master from China, Yuan Tze . I am passionate about helping people improve life, by sharing the teachings I’ve learnt and sharing my own experiences.

I look forward to welcoming you to the practice.

Email me to talk about online classes.