Learn Tian Yuan & Di Yuan

A REN XUE Africa Introduction Workshop

Join us for
a One Day Qigong Immersive in the first two methods of the well-established, globally recognised and esteemed Qigong system, Yuan Qigong

Sunday 29th June 2025

Tian Yuan and Di Yuan (Methods 1 and 2) are a perfectly dovetailed pair
of introductory Qigong methods.

The ancient wisdom Qigong teachings advise that one ‘works Qi first, then nourishes Qi after’. This ensures that the Yuan Qi gathered in an initial moving practice is consolidated into the deeper structures of the body in an ensuing standing or still Qigong practice. And so, with Tian Yuan, one gathers primordial Yuan Qi of the Universe rapidly and effectively into the body and then stabilises its presence in the three storage centres called Dantians, through Di Yuan practice.  This intelligent, uplifting, primordial, Yuan Qi is then transformed and distributed throughout the body via the Dantians, and the effect is improved health and well-being at all levels (physical, mind, emotions, and spirit).

Some people have been blessed with circumstances from the beginning, that led them to mostly always, feel relaxed, calm, and natural in body and mind. There are a vast number of factors that need to come together for this to be so. You must surely know how fortunate you are, especially if you have been able to maintain that centred, harmonious way of being in the world the way it’s currently structured. 

There are many others, for whom those states are meaningless, not having any neurological or physical recall of what any of them could possibly mean. They’re simply concepts; not ‘felt’ states. Instead, for reasons which feel out of their control, their days and nights are lived in states that are unlikely to support confidence, creativity, energetic participation in life, or even joy.

And then there are others who were fortunate once; they clearly remember a time in the past, where engaging in life calmly and joyfully was possible, but now everything has changed and it feels so difficult to get back to that way of being. 

REN XUE and Yuan Qigong meet you wherever you are, either deepening what has always been a natural gift and supporting a comprehensive and clear path towards Wisdom or gently reconnecting you to what is meant to be a normal physiological and mental state for us all. Through flowing, simple, repetitive movements, synchronised with the breath, the autonomic nervous system comes into balance, stress and anxiety calm, and a sense of deep wellbeing begins to arise. The body and mind naturally find their way to healing and balance. 

Yuan Qigong’s methods are easy, refreshing, uplifting, daily practices ~ and you can do them wherever and whenever you choose, for free, once you have learned! 

Step into these ancient movement technologies designed to restore your True Human Nature and bring balance and harmony back to your body, mind and heart.

 A REN XUE Africa Introductory Workshop

Yuan Qigong Methods 1 & 2, Tian Yuan & Di Yuan, including principles, theories, and practice! 

When: Sunday 28th June 2025

Time: 08h45 – 16h30

Venue: TBC

Cost: R800 including refreshments & snack. Please bring along your own lunch (this helps us keep the workshop cost affordable). The price includes your workshop manual, and a cued MP4 video for ongoing practice.

Please read our Cancellation & Refund Policy below

Booking payments are routed through the secure PayFast payment gateway.

You will receive an email confirmation of your payment. Further detailed information will be sent by email, nearer the time.

Please check your Spam folder in case emails are routed there.


Who is this for?

People new to Yuan Qigong who wish to have the opportunity to understand and learn the first & second methods and their underpinning principles.

What will I learn?

By the end of the workshop you will be able to practice the first two methods, Tian Yuan & Di Yuan, on your own. You would then be able to easily follow cued MP3 & MP4 recordings and/or join established classes.

Comprehensive notes will be provided.

Your facilitators

Read more about

Louise...teacher bio

Physical Concerns?

Please be assured that most people can participate. Underlying physical conditions can be taken into account and modifications provided as necessary. Connect with Louise via email at   to discuss, should you have any concerns.

 Watch our YouTube videos to get a sense of these two practices.

Please Read Through Our Cancellation Policy


It is our intention to accommodate the reality that things can change unexpectedly. However, there are costs associated with booking a venue and catering, plus administrative costs, which put us at risk should you cancel. Our policy, therefore, attempts to be fair to all involved:

If you need to cancel your workshop registration, please do so early.  Late cancellations may make it difficult for someone else to have the opportunity to attend.  Once you have paid any portion of the workshop fee, administrative and cancellation fees will apply, depending on the cancellation date.

If you cancel your booking:

  • 30 days before the workshop date, we will refund all fees paid minus an applicable administrative charge of R70. 
  • Less than 30 – 8days before the workshop, we will refund all fees paid minus R400 per person cancellation fee.
  • Less than 7 days before the workshop – no refund possible because catering would have been ordered, venue fee paid, and materials printed. The exception is for a qualified medical emergency.

Refunds will be paid within 30 days of receiving a written cancellation notice.


Anyone leaving the workshop early for anything other than a qualified emergency (medical emergency or a death in the family) will not receive any refund.
If someone leaves early due to a qualified emergency (medical emergency or a death in the family), we will refund 60% of the workshop fee. 

REN XUE Africa reserves the right at any time to require that a participant leave the workshop if a participant’s behavior is considered to be either excessively disruptive or dangerous to self or others.  In this case, all workshop fees are non-refundable.

Cancellation by REN XUE Africa:

If REN XUE Africa is required to cancel the workshop due to unforeseen reasons, we will notify you as soon as possible and will refund the full fee amount paid.

Need help with booking for this workshop. Message us here and we'll be in touch to help you.